Battery Racks, Interlinks & Accessories

Battery Racks, Interlinks & Accessories

With the aim of reducing the cost, complexity of stationary Powerload Technology system installations, has launched a modular battery storage solution based on easy-to-carry, plug and play racks.

Load Bank Applications

We come up with a new integration concept. The solution is to simplify it and find a way to turn the enclosure into a larger body of battery, which not only protects and connects to larger sites, but also makes it safer and more portable. All we want to do is look at the cost of energy for a lifetime, which will greatly reduce our logistics, carbon footprint and other environmental impacts.

Each battery block has the same component - even blocks that contain infrastructure devices - and the same interfaces to connect them together, the blocks being "mechanically, electrically and thermally" interchangeable. This enables each project to be assembled in a variety of configurations.